Life With Lipstick On

French or bust

UncategorizedLorely MezaComment

I've been hot on having the littles learn French for some time now!  I know living in California Spanish is really a smarter option but I don't care!  French it is!  I have visions of us frolicking about Paris when they are 16 and 18 and us immersing ourselves in the Paris life.  To be perfectly honest, I would love to learn it as well!  So I began my hunt for great kids learning systems that would make the process fun!  Here's what I found…. Little Pim little pimLittle Pim is the big dog of language learning systems!  They have been awarded over 20 parenting awards.  They offer flash cards, DVD sets, and books to help kids learn in all methods.





Created by BBC Muzzy has been touted as the World's number one language learning system. They offer online subscriptions so your kids can learn anywhere or also DVD sets.

The Language Playground- Lingo's Market

the playground


Lingo's Market is a iTunes app that is an interactive grocery store learning system to help kids learn in real store scenarios. It helps integrate the language into items and words that they use every day.  They also have great other recommendations on their site for other learning systems to check out!

All in all, I ordered the Little Pim package and downloaded the Lingo app.  I love the Muzzy program but felt like my girls would respond better to the other two programs better.