Let's talk about love. This is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. The words are just mesmerizing. I was introduced to this incredible video by John Legend when our wedding photographers Aaron and Jen Delesie shared their amazing feature in it while shooting his wedding. Love is tricky. It's an all encompassing all consuming shock to the system. It's frustrating and doesn't make any sense. Even when you can't stand the person you can't stand to be away from them. It's always tested and always triumphs. It's something I am never going to be able to express and something I will never understand. It's something that is built on the core of you and you hang on to it for dear life. I am lucky to have found a love that is made just for me. It will continue to confuse me for the rest of my life and I'm okay with that.
"I'm under water and breathing just fine"- All of me, John Legend