Life With Lipstick On

Money saving tips you can start today

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Money saving tips

I was having a interesting conversation with a friend the other day about spending.  What we each choose to spend our money on and what our habits are.  As I get into my mid 30's I've started cutting back on my spending and focusing on the bigger picture when it comes to money.  Thankfully, Erik has a wonderful career and my biz has been very good to me over the last 10 years but it's never to early to be more frugal.  Also I find that the things that I want are always more $$ than I have.  #adulting Over the last year, I've starting making small adjustments on my spending habits and tweaking my spending to put more away towards bigger projects or goals.  Here are some small changes I've made that have created to put roughly $400 back in my pocket each month!  

Do my own nails- sounds not that fun right? I know but hear me out!  I work in the beauty industry and my nails needs to be done or looking clean at all times.  I found that a. I don't care that much and b.  I was spending around $60 a month on nail maintenance with my gel manicures and regular pedicures.  No more!!!!  Now I plop myself down in front of my favorite show at night and give myself a little mani pedi when I need it.  I've collected about 10 nail polishes to cover all seasons and get it done.  Total savings per month: $60

Make coffee at home-I actually prefer sipping my coffee at home during the week but was making a habit on weekends ( my work days) of grabbing a latte and protein box before work.  That would add up to be about $8 each week at least.  $16 if I was doing it both Saturday and Sunday.  Now I brew my favorite coffee, add my almond milk and sweetener, healthy preplanned breakfast and off I go.  I don't have to fret about waiting in the drivethru line and I that money goes straight towards other things.  Total savings per month: $32 ( $8 a week) 

Stop drinking during week- Erik and I made a rule of no more drinking and man has it changed out spending.  This was a surprise one to be honest.  Erik never cared about his wine being nicer but I acquired a taste for a middle of the road costing wine.  We don't drink now outside of the occasionally date night or getaway and are saving roughly $45 a week just by not drinking.  Whaaaa?????  Total savings per month: $180

Cut fresh flowers from my own yard- I love fresh flowers in the house.  There is nothing more cheery than a vase full of blooms on the kitchen table.  I would gather about $12 worth of pretty stems from Trader Joes about twice a month for around the house.  Since Spring is upon us, it's the perfect time to spend that $12 on potted blooms for our yard or porch.  I now can plant my favorites and enjoy them whenever I want.  Total savings per month: $24

Batch meal-I'm not a fast food person but my hubby is.  I live for a grocery list and my hubby likes to walk the aisles for options.  I CANT!  So I made him a deal, if I batch meal for the week for us will he cut down on his eating out and extra grocery trips.  If I'm batching for myself, whats it to me to make double portion?  Nothing!  I budget around $150-$200 on groceries per week which feeds the 4 of us breakfast, lunch and dinner for 6 days.  The 7th day we usually go out as a family.  Some of our go to's are tuna or chicken salad with pita chips for after school snacks, Spagetti, Burrito bowls and Tacos.  I always try and utilize our local produce stand for our veggies to save major bucks.  I can only get away with that budget because I meal plan and make a list like a machine!  I get us all organized on Monday's and we are good to go!  Total savings per month: $75

Comb through my subscriptions- I started combing through my bank statements and noticed a handful of subscriptions I've gathered over the last couple  years.  Yes YEARS I've been paying $3.99 here and $9.99 there for services that we don't use!  NOOOO!  When I totaled them up I was spending about $30 on nothing!  Just throwing it out the window!  Needless to say I cancelled those lingering things that I just didn't need and wasn't using and can put that towards something actually I will use!  Total savings per month: $30