Life With Lipstick On

Pins of the Week

Pins of the weekLorely MezaComment

Pins of the Week Lots and lots have been going on lately!  I am kicking up wedding season again starting this weekend and I am finalizing a lot of details on the new studio.  I am finding myself in a sort of a rut with not easily getting what I want and therefore sticking my head in the sand and not doing anything productive at all! Been there? It's stupid and doesn't serve anyone well!  Time to shake that nonsense off and get with it! I am getting into my black and white mentality which basically means it's a productive, get it done attitude.  No nonsense!

All white, all the time

Beachside picnic sounds like pure heaven! let's get that on the "to do " list asap!

How lovely is this cobble stone and olive branch adorned soiree?

White on white kitchens make me feel calm

Freckles and lashes are my two favorite beauty traits. Natural is always in style

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