Life With Lipstick On

Stop time:Baby girl turns 3

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Photos: Alice Hu

So our baby girl turned 3 last week! Yep, not sure I like any part of it! People used to tell me all the time how time flies and to cherish the moments.  Man, they were so right. Its such a hard lesson to embrace when we were raising Capri our eldest.  Each day was closer to the next step and next phase which was so exciting.  We rushed her not knowing it.  I wish now,that I would have sat still and just enjoyed without trying to peek around the corner at what was next.  With Peyton we are trying to do just that.  I am trying to enjoy the present and just take in all that she is in the now.  She is so different than her older sis and we are so obsessed with them both.  Capri is fearless with a super soft underbelly that she rarely shows.   She likes routine and cherishes the calm we find.  I can read her really easily. Peyton is a different sort. She is harder for me to grasp. She gives everything away and then gives nothing.  I can't predict her and envision what she will be like.  I just know she will be incredible.   She wears her love on her shoulder where Capri tucks hers away.  Peyton freely gives hugs and kisses followed by love words and compliments.  At any moment she will look over from her coloring and say she loves me or tell me that I look beautiful.  She is heartwarming and special in every way.  We decorated her room in the middle of the night on the eve of her birthday just like we have done for Capri over the years.  We were so excited at what we thought was going to be the outcome of birthday excitement.  I woke up early and waited to hear her rustling.  Soon we couldn't take it any longer we had to get into her room to see how excited she was.  She rustled up and took a look at the streamers and balloons and seemed bothered.  Like she didn't want the attention or the fuss. She asked for me to take the balloons out.  Something wasn't right to her.  It was the funniest reaction to us.  We are so used to Capri getting all giddy about the pomp and circumstance where Peyton just didn't like it all.  She is simple and doesn't need anything beyond us to feel loved and happy.  She doesn't need to big gesture.  She is something special and we cherish her simple and calm spirit every day.  I have no doubt she is going to be dynamic.  I see it now already in her little ways.  I can't baby girl to be still with you through the years and see you change and evolve into the woman you are meant to be.  I promise not to rush you. peyton3-4189peyton3-4127