Life With Lipstick On


Sweets and Bubbly

UncategorizedLorely MezaComment

I had been on vacation all week last week with my family in Balboa Island and wanted to invite some of my girlfriends to a fun duffy boat  ride.  A little bubbly, gorgeous french macaroons from my favorite Sweet and Saucy and great girl time is just priceless! My sweet friends Brooke ,Christina and I had been trying to get together for weeks and this was the perfect excuse.  The sunsets had been amazing all week and of course the night we wanted to putter around on the water it was horribly overcast!  What the heck?!  Our sour weather didn't cramp our style though!  Cheers to a fabulous girl's night out! Kacee from Life with Lipstick OnKacee from Life with Lipstick OnKacee from Life with LIpstick OnKacee from Life with Lipstick OnKacee from Life with Lipstick OnKaceeBalboa-4818Kacee from Life with Lipstick On

Kacee from Life with Lipstick OnPhotos: Corey Morgan

Cardigan: H&M, Dress: Jcrew but also adore this, Shoes: Sperry's, Earrings: Francesca's Collection similar here,  Bangles: CWonder here,here and here