Life With Lipstick On


Fresh Produce

FashionLorely MezaComment

I love when I get to pop over to our amazing farmer's market but it's a rare occasion.  In the meantime, I found a great little produce stand with all sorts of mutant sized veggies and fruits right by our house.  I would be all over having my own garden if I didn't kill all things that live in the dirt! Talk about Black Thumb to the max!  This light weight tunic top and white cutoffs are the best for grabbing some yummy things for dinner.  I am just smitten with my adorable striped Sole Society flats that go with basically everything! Bring your oversized bag for your goodies and you are keeping it fresh! Kacee from Life with Lipstick On Kacee from Life with Lipstick OnKacee from Life with Lipstick OnKacee from Life with Lipstick OnKacee from Life with Lipstick On


Photos: Corey Morgan

Tunic: Even Sisters but can also be found here, Shorts: Jcrew on sale, Flats: Sole Society, Purse: Lux Clothing and similar here from Madewell, Sunglasses: Ray Ban